Hay Sampling Certification Exam
by Dan Putnam and Steve Orloff
The purpose of this Certification is to aid in standardizing hay testing protocols and to improve your understanding of the sampling and testing process. This is a learning opportunity, not just a test of knowledge. Please follow the steps below. At the end of the exam, you will be able to certify hay samples. There is currently no cost to you for this certification program.
Step 1: Read the Materials
In particular, read the "Recommended Principles for Proper Hay Sampling" on the next page. You may also want to browse several other helpful publications pertaining to hay testing, especially Understanding Forage Quality, and Interpreting your Hay Testing Report.
Step 2: Take the Exam
The exam consists of thirty multiple-choice questions. The questions will focus primarily on hay sampling methods, forage quality terms, and interpreting forage quality reports. You must answer all questions correctly to pass the exam. However, you may try as many times as you like, and there are hints provided for each wrong answer. The primary purpose of the exam is not to see how much you know, but to serve as an instructional aid. Also note that incorrectly answered questions will appear again at the end of the exam.
The questions should not be difficult, but there will likely be some that you do not know. When you encounter a question you are not familiar with, look through some of the educational documents we have provided to you.
The exam should take no more than 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Step 3: Registration
When you finish the exam successfully and confirm your registration information, a certificate page will be generated for you. You may print and duplicate these certificates. Proudly display the main certificate on your wall, and include the sampling certificates with samples you take in the future. If there are any discussions about the quality of your sample--your signed certificate is your assurance that you have sampled the hay according to a standardized protocol.
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