Listing of Hay Probes
Dan Putnam, Dept. of Agronomy & Range Science, University of California, Davis, CA 95616
Vance Owens, Ag Hall Box 2207A, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007-1096
Tracy Ackerly, Dept. of Agronomy & Range Science, University of California, Davis, CA 95616
Choosing a proper hay probe is an important component of proper forage testing technique. The choice of either power-driven or hand-powered probes can be used in an integrated sampling program which includes taking at least 20 cores, sampling at 90 to the but ends of bales, sampling about 18 inches into the bale, and proper sample handling. There are a wide range of acceptable coring devises, each with advantages and disadvantages. Probes should satisfy a number of criteria: they must fairly represent the leaf/stem ratio of the bales, they should sample deeply enough to represent the variation within bales, the tips should be kept sharp, and tips are recommended to be at 90° to the shaft (not cut at an angle). No part of the sample (eg leaves or stems) should be lost when the probe is withdrawn from the bale (as it is with open augers). Diameter should be between 3/8" and 5/8". An extremely small diameter coring device may not cut or represent the leaf-stem ratio properly, and a very large diameter probe may obtain a too-large sample which is difficult for labs to grind properly. Length should probe to 14-24" in the butt-ends of the bale. On large bales, some studies has shown that it is not necessary to sample to a greater depth, though further studies are being conducted. Long probes (greater than 24") or wide diameter probes have the disadvantage that very large samples are generated, which in itself is not a problem, but many labs as a result will not grind the entire sample, which defeats the purpose of careful sampling. The purpose of good technique is to develop a sample of about 1/2 lb with at least 20 probed cores.
Hay Sampling and Hay Probe Posters
See the Forage Sampling section.
Hay Probe Listing
Important: This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of these probes or a disparagement of other probes by omission. Several probes listed here are NOT highly recommended, since they have features which may tend to mis-represent samples. Please contact us with additions or corrections to this listing.
AMS Hay & Forage Probe
AMS, Inc.
105 Harrison Street
American Falls, Idaho 83211
Phone: (800) 635-7330
Website: http://www.ams-samplers.com
Direct Link to Hay & Forage Probes: https://www.ams-samplers.com/search.php?search_query=hay§ion=product
Description: AMS Hay & Forage Probes are ideal for obtaining 12" or 24" representative core samples for quick visual inspection and laboratory analysis. The basic model is a 7/8" OD probe with a heat-treated serrated tip and chamfered extraction slot. The deluxe model includes the same probe body, and a (1 liter) removable plastic canister capable of holding approximately 20 cores. Both models require 1/2" chuck drills for operation (24V recommended).
Best Harvest Hay/Forage/Soil Sampler Probe
Best Harvest
4115 7 Mile Rd
Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: 888-947-6226
Fax: 206-339-7334
Email: sales@bestharveststore.com
Website: http://bestharveststore.com
Direct Link to Hay & Forage Probes: http://www.bestharveststore.com/Hay-Probe-Samplers-c10
Description: Our unique probe collection system incorporates a bagging process that allows over 20 samples to be collected contaminant free. It is ideal for gathering random samples to send a representative sample out for lab analysis.
Attach a cordless drill
Gallon size ziplock bag holds over 20 core samples
18 inch probe depth
5/8" Heat-treated hardened steel sharp serrated tip, 7/8" inside diameter probe
Protective shield covers sample collection area where baggie attaches
Cleanout brush used between samples, a brush ensures complete cleanout
No clogging, no contamination by hands, etc. Collection area is enclosed
Attractive pricing
1 Year Warranty
Colorado Hay Probe
Contact: UDY Corp.
Phone: (970) 482-2060
Website: http://www.udyone.com/hayprobeinfo.htm
Description: "PUSH TYPE" Aluminum alloy barrel, 5/8" diameter X 18" long, with stainless steel angled tip (>45 degrees, resharpenable). Collection chamber holds 10-15 cores.
Forageurs Hay Probe
Forageurs Corp.
P.O. Box 564
Lakeville, MN 55044
Phone: (952) 469-2596
Description: "DRILL TYPE" Stainless steel probe barrel, either 14" or 24" long, 3/4" outside diameter. Hardened steel cutting tip, 0.60" cutting diameter. Steel canister ring with hexagonal steel shaft, fits hand brace or drill. Canister: 100 cu. inches, holds 20-30 cores, 4" PVC body with clear plexiglass top.
Frontier Mills 'Yankton' Hay Probe
Frontier Mills, Inc.
2002 South Dakota Highway 314,
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (650) 665-2441
Description: "DRILL TYPE" 30" long X 1" inside diameter conduit pipe shaft with round 7" long X 4" diameter canister. External auger pulls the long probe into the bale. Different ends allow use as hand brace or with drill. Comes with replaceable tip and wooden dowel for cleaning.
Hay Chec® Hay Sampler
Hodge Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 1326,
El Cajon, CA 92022-1326
Phone: 800-778-2217
Fax: 619-444-5677
Website: http://haychec.com
Description: The Hay Chec® is a "PUSH TYPE" hay sampling hand probe with a 12" long, 7/16" internal diameter, stainless steel probe tube. The chrome plated steel body, with mountain bike grips on the handles, is weighted to provide better balance and momentum during the sampling procedure. The collection jar is a thick-wall autoclavable semi-clear polypropylene bottle; the jar unscrews from the body's machined threads for submitting samples to testing labs.
HMC Hay Probe
Hart Machine Co.
1216 SW Hart St.
Madras, OR 97741
Phone: (541) 475-3107
Description: "DRILL TYPE" Stainless steel barrels 12", 18", 24", or 30" long X 3/4"outside diameter and 5/8" inside diameter. Hardened smooth re-sharpenable tip, 1/2" diameter. Aluminum and steel collection canister holds 25-30 12" cores. Hub for brace or drill.
Oakfield Probe
Oakfield Apparatus, Inc.
P.O. Box 65
Oakfield, WI 53065
Phone: (920) 583-4114
Website: http://www.soilsamplers.com/
Description: It is made of stainless steel with a replaceable serrated screw-on tip. The tube is 18" long and cuts a core of 0.75" in diameter. Cores are removed from an open area on the side of the tube between samplings. The Probe is available for use with an electric drill or hand brace. Extension adapters are available for deeper sampling.
Penn State Probe
Nasco Corporation
4825 Stoddard Rd.
Modesto, CA. 95356-9318
Phone: (800) 558-9595
Description: "DRILL TYPE" Stainless steel 1 1/8" diameter X 18" long. Available with 3/8" round shank adapter for use with electric or breast drill or square shank for use with hand brace. Replaceable cutting tip. Comes with dowel plunger to remove sample.
Sierra Hay Probe
Sierra Testing Service
9450 E. Collier Rd.
Acampo, CA 95220
Phone: (209) 333-3337
Website: www.sierratestingservice.com
Description: "PUSH TYPE" golf club type probe. This is a 16 1/2" stainless steel golf club shaft that cuts a 1/2" core. The shaft has a 7 1/2" x 1 7/8" tube handle attached at 90o at the end of the golf club shaft. The probe is self-unloading and provides for easy continuous sampling of baled hay. The probe has a clean out rod that aids in cleaning out the probe when the sample is completed. The rod also protects the cutting edge during storage.
Star Forage Probes
Star Quality Samplers
274022 on Range Road 272, Box 416
Irricana, AB
Canada, T0M 1B0
Phone: (403) 471-0097
Email: info@starqualitysamplers.com
Website: www.starqualitysamplers.com
Description: Manufacture a variety of “DRILL TYPE” with spiral assist and “PUSH TYPE” stainless steel forage samplers with “Star" cutting tips ranging from ½” to 7/8” diameter. Some have canisters. Two are specially designed for high moisture bales and silage. One silage sampler has extensions which can reach 13’ depth when used with a cordless drill.